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Hello, let me introduce myself: I'm Green.

Spring and jealousy: nice pair! Of course, no fault of mine. It's always men's business, just like the mad joker's three-pointed hat, in those old courts. Hear my silver bells? And the music of the banquet? See what I have to bear? And what did I do to deserve it? I'm neither mad nor conceited, although the peacock's wheel is green indeed. Myself, I like to dwell amongst leaves, in quiet woods, on lawns all cool with rain: take a run there, barefoot and yelling at the top of your lungs, and see whether you don't feel all alive!

Well, yes, you'll find me in a jeweler's shop as well, amongst the most expensive rings, in the emerald that so often mixes lights with the diamond.

But I'm also the frog in the pond, and the duckweed that ducks will munch so heartily, bending down to rake the water's surface with their beak.

And you'll find me in your salad bowl: lettuce, cress, and dandelion leaves, that your granny gathers in the fields just before dinner, and valerian for sweet dreams, and spinach that will make you strong, and thorny artichokes… and I could go on because, you know, I'm the King of the Vegetable Kingdom.

I also make Mars and the Moon green with envy, and no wonder, since I am the color of life: where I am, there is water, and water, as you all know, is where life began.

I'm cool, I'm soothing: try me in the chilly taste of peppermint, as brisk as a waterfall.