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The first game we propose is Puzzle. To play this game, you will need to cut the pre-cut sheets into pieces. You may want to have at hand eleven bags where to keep the pieces, once you have cut them, because of course you will need them again.

You will need: 2 BLACK pieces; 2 WHITE pieces; 4 RED pieces; 2 GREEN pieces; 2 YELLOW pieces; 4 BLUE pieces; 4 BROWN pieces; 1 GRAY piece; 1 PINK piece; 1 PURPLE piece; 1 ORANGE piece. Also, a table to play.

Take the rectangular pieces you have cut from the cardboard sheets, and arrange them on the tabletop, upright and left to right, as follows:

  • put the 2 black pieces one above the other, to form a black rectangle with the two pieces
  • do the same with the two white pieces, positioning them under the black pieces.
    Now you have built the first stage of color: black/white.  
  • now put the 4 red pieces in a column beside the black/white column.
    Now you have built the second stage of color: black/white and red
  • now put the 2 green pieces, one above the other, to form a green rectangle beside the upper part of the red column
  • and the 2 yellow pieces in the same way, under the green pieces, beside the lower part of the red column.
    Now you have built the third stage of color: black/white; red; green/yellow
  • the 4 blue pieces go in a column beside the green/yellow column.
    Now you have built the fourth stage of color: black/white; red; green/yellow; blue
  • now put the 4 brown pieces in a column beside the blue column. Now you have built the fifth stage of color: black/white; red; green/yellow; blue; brown
  • the gray piece goes beside the top of the brown column, with the pink piece under it, then the purple piece, and lastly the orange piece.
    Now you have built the sixth and last stage of color: black/white; red; green/yellow; blue; brown; gray/pink/purple/orange

Touch your composition from left to right, smell the scents, feel the symbols.

You have recreated your book's cover! On the cover the colors are arranged in this exact order.

Now try to arrange the pieces on the table in a different order. Email us at info @ to tell us about your composition. And why not send us a picture as well?