"11" promotional kit
11. www.odorisuonicolori.it

Title: 11 - Author: Lidia Beduschi
width:- Isabella Tondi and Luca Modena (sounds).
- Chiara Prezzavento (English Translation).
- Mario Varini (webmaster).
- Publishing Date: february 2009.
- ISBN 9 7 8 - 8 8 - 9 5 9 6 7 - 0 9 - 7.
- Pages: 22 scented cardboard sheets.
- Price: € 75.00
Lidia Beduschi. lives in Mantova (Italy). Her scientific work focuses on research and analysis of oral sources. She has been teaching Ethnoscience at " Ca’ Foscari University in Venice for the last several years. She is currently working on a project of color accessibility for the visually impaired.
The project is based on the latest developments of neuroscience and studies on synesthesia (the simultaneous and integrated action of the senses in the processes of perception and learning).
The "11" KIT prototype was succesfully shown during HANDIMATICA on November 28 2008.
Mario Varini, live in Marcaria near Mantova. Investigator and trainer in the field of new technologies, responsible for usability and accessibility in web communication. He has extensive experience on IT applications to ethnographic research and human sciences. Among the awards received in science include the Award Costantino Nigra - visual anthropology - Multimedia Systems (2001) and the International Award Pitrè Giuseppe Salvatore Salomone-Marino for studies Demoetnoantropologico (2002).
This kit comprises eleven cardboard sheets, one for each color, that, when touched release the appropriately coded scent (a “black scent”, a “yellow scent” etc.); each sheet bears its color's “sign” in conventional Braille-like, touch-readable dots.
The kit comes in a ring binder, together with eleven pre-cut sheets of pieces required for manipulating, building color sequences, building color-scent-sound chains.
The kit is meant for use together with the website www.odorisuonicolori.it, which forms integral part of the project. The website itself is divided into a free-access section and a password-access section (reserved for registered users;registration instruction are found in free- access section website: “A big step…forward!“).
Spontaneous indications from rehabilitation specialists suggest that the kit can also be very effective in treating many other forms of handicap, be it sensorial, neurological or psychic (addiction treatment, senescence, also preemptively, psychiatric patients) and in a number of sensory deprivation conditions.
List of contents:
Introduction to the project.
Free-access part of the website www.odorisuonicolori.it
A history of “11“
part of the website www.odorisuonicolori.it
password required.
Games playable with the kit “11“ and on the website www.odorisuonicolori.it (password required).
- first game: Puzzles;
- second game: Scents;
- third game: Signs;
- fourth game: Sounds and Colors one, two, three, four;
- fifth game: The four seasons;